Impact: Science

Embry-Riddle’s emerging scientists are searching for habitable worlds and unlocking the secrets of human performance in extreme environments, even beyond our planet.
They are improving the accuracy and lead time of weather forecasting to protect people and property. They are discovering safer and more efficient ways to navigate airspace and outer space.
Popular applied science majors include meteorology, aerospace physiology, aerospace and occupational safety, air traffic management, astronomy and astrophysics, computational mathematics, computer science, engineering physics, human factors psychology, space physics and space operations.
Students ready to take their ingenuity to the next level can pursue master’s degrees in engineering physics, human factors and occupational safety management and doctoral programs in engineering physics and human factors.
All of these programs are rooted in research. Undergraduates gain experience and make discoveries alongside faculty members on projects supported by the Federal Aviation Administration, NASA, National Institutes of Health and the Department of Energy, as well as industry partnerships and consortia.
Funded by the National Science Foundation, a student-faculty team contributed research for LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory, which earned the Nobel Prize for Physics.
Every science program is supported by labs that rival those found at top government and industry facilities. The combination of a respected faculty and these specialized resources has strengthened industry partnerships, which translate into internship opportunities, a growing professional network even before graduation and career pathways for science majors.
Embry-Riddle graduates have gone on to work in some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world, including NASA JPL, Los Alamos and the National Renewable Energy Lab operated by the U.S. Department of Energy. They also enter industry, advancing companies such as Boeing, General Motors, Gulfstream, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and General Electric.
Your support directly allows our students to continue their education, regardless of their economic background. You allow us to year after year expand our programs, hire the best faculty, compete for research funding and expand our reach into the unknown.